Киримов Т.
Мотивы смерти в лирико-публицистическом дневнике Б. Чобанзаде «Песнь свирели» и его место в контексте творческих исканий автора // КИО. 2024. № 1.
PDF: The Motives of Death in B. Chobanzade’s Lyrical and Journalistic Diary “The Song of the Reed-Pipe” and its Place in the Context of the Author's Creative Explorations // The Crimean Historical Review. 2024. No. 1.
PDF: The Motives of Death in B. Chobanzade’s Lyrical and Journalistic Diary “The Song of the Reed-Pipe” and its Place in the Context of the Author's Creative Explorations // The Crimean Historical Review. 2024. No. 1.
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